John Trubee
Originally printed in Spinal Jaundice #7 – 1988
Ranting poet, avant-garde jazz experimentalist, founder of the “pathetically
unpopular” band The Ugly Janitors Of America. It’s all been written but
nonetheless, upon hearing one of his recordings around 1984 it was an influence
similar to none other. Several albums and cassettes are available on his label
Time And Space, and you can send a blank tape to be filled with whatever type of
thing you want: poetry, atmospheric keyboard recordings, live performances or
telephone victimizations. It’s up to you.
MJ: What sort of things were you doing prior to embarking on recording?
JT: In highschool I was in a band called Gloop Nox And The Stik People. I grew
up in Princeton, New Jersey so that was my highschool band. I went to Berklee
College of Music for three years from 1976-1979 where I concentrated on
composition and arranging. I graduated and came out west…then worked with Zoogz
Rift on his first LP which he released himself which is called “Idiots On The
Miniature Golf Course” on Snout Records which is an old label. At the time he
lived in Maraga, California, which is sort of in the Bay Area. And actually I
had known Zoogz when he lived in Persippany, New Jersey. He lived in southern
California for a while then New Jersey, then Oregon then he moved back here to
California. And when he got back here in 1981, I was in his band for a while
called The Amazing Shitheads. We played the Hollywood club scene and sort of
had a following and interest from writers. Then the “Blind Man’s Penis” came
out in 1983 on my own small label called Space And Time Records which is
actually just a sub-label of Enigma. After that, “The Communists Are Coming To
Kill Us,” my first album on Enigma. They were reluctant to give me a budget so I
made that album from various tapes I had made since I was a teenager. Prank
phone calls and studio tapes and other assorted strange things. After that I
began writing a few things for Spin, and since it seemed like people would be
interested in what I was doing, Enigma gave me a budget to record a second
record in a studio called “Naked Teenage Girls In Outer Space” that came out in
1985 on their sub-label Restless. After that I did yet a third LP called “Beyond
Eternity/Lavender Flesh.” I liked both titles and couldn’t decide so I just
combined the two titles. And that came out on Cordelia Records which is a really
teeny label in England. That record is like virtually impossible to find in
America, you’d have to really search for it or place a special order with
imports from England, but it is available. And again that was made with a bunch
of oddball tapes since that label would not give me a budget. I had to compile
tapes that I had made on my own over the years. What was interesting, I went on
a European tour earlier this year with Zoogz in May of 1988, and when we were in
Linz, Austria we were playing a concert and in front of the hall some man who
ran the local hip record store had a concession stand and on the table was Zoogz'
LP on SST. And copies of “Lavender Flesh” my third LP. There, thousands of miles
from where I live, in Linz, Austria of all places they would have this, take the
trouble to find them and be aware that I was in Zoogz’ band touring…that was
very exciting.
MJ: So how many copies of the “Blind Man’s Penis” single have you sold? How
far was it sent?
JT: I have no idea about sales, maybe a thousand or a couple thousand when it
first came out as a single. You’d have to ask Mykel Board of The Only Label In
The World to see how many he’s sold. See my deal with him is he presses 500 and
I get 10% of the pressings as my payment for licensing the rights to him. And
they sell fairly quickly from what I understand. People are always bugging him
to repress more but at the current time he doesn’t have the money to press up
some more.
MJ: The “Communists” album and the “Naked Teenage Girls” album had some
similarities but were actually quite opposite. Are the cassettes on Space and
Time different as well?
JT: Oh yeah…Enigma released those two LP’s but I have tons of cassettes that
I’ve made over the years. Prank phone call tapes, studio demos, synthesizer
experiments, recordings of The Ugly Janitors Of America, live poetry rants. So I
actually assembled a catalog and starting selling them called Space And Time
Tapes. Like “Drowning In The Society Of Snot” was one cassette, and “Sexual
Obscenity” was a compilation of Ugly Janitors performances we did live of
assorted freakiness. Unusual synthesizer pieces recorded in 1979 called “Deserts
Of Utah” then the “Calls To Idiots” volumes 1-6. Six one-hour cassettes of prank
phone calls. Those seem to be the most popular actually, the idiot factor,
people are more interested in those than music, because it’s the bottom line,
the low-brow, the obnoxious vulgar humor is more popular than finely crafted
music because it actually takes some thinking and appreciation to appreciate
music that has some thought into it. But the phone calls and the adolescent
humor are most popular because it doesn’t require much thinking and most people
don’t think very well…most people can relate to them. I mean it sounds very
snooty and obnoxious but it’s brought out by what sells and what sells is often
the most mediocre and most vulgar. I don’t mean to sound snotty I’m just stating
the facts.
MJ: Why wasn’t “Remember The Good Old Days” ever put on your first LP though
it was listed on the back?
JT: “Remember The Good Old Days” was never recorded or read, it was merely
written for my own amusement. You notice on the back of the albums there’s a lot
of writing, a lot of print, because there are things which I’m dying to say to
the world. I’m not just a regular person who wants to be in a band and be
popular, and all the jive ass reasons people put out records, I’m dying to
communicate things with people. Because when I was growing up a lot of things
that I wanted to express were just shut out and ideas that I wanted to express
were always screamed down. I never got along very well with my father and he
constantly castrated and invalidated anything. So a lot of what I’m trying to
express is to overcome the sort of castration I had with my father. And the idea
that his overly-authoritarian behavior was actually wrong. And I think a lot of
overly authoritarian behavior is wrong. Just what I observe in the world is
generally what I’m trying to express. People are really strong and intelligent
and enlightened. They don’t need to look to leaders to get things done or to
seek advice or anything because they can live as freely and as independent and
make their minds up to be…okay, answer the question. The answer to “Why wasn’t
'Remember…' on the first album,” because it was never recorded. Enigma agreed to
put out the album and I told them that I wanted a bunch of lyrics typeset and
put on the back cover. I gave them the lyrics and threw “Good Old Days” in there
so that it would be read by people.
MJ: Yeah, I just enjoyed reading it.
JT: Well I enjoyed writing it and I like to get it out there. I’d do that full
time if I could get paid for it somehow. I’d put out records every month if
someone would take me into a studio and someone would release it. Since I am
allowed to do it so infrequently, that’s why there is such a concentration of
diverse material and why there’s so much print on the albums. I’m doing it as if
it were the last thing I ever get to do in my life so there’s all this
concentration of energy and thought and weirdness because I want to say it all,
because I might die tomorrow, and if I die tomorrow, that’s what will be left of
me. Something tangible that I created with my brain for the world to see. That’s
what this person did with his life. And that’s why I feel a certain amount of
anxiety because I’d like to do that everyday. Put out more product, more ideas,
more images. That’s what’s important to me. That’s what’s frustrating - that it’s
so difficult to make a record because you have to deal with assholes and record
companies and basically ask them for permission to do things. It takes more
money from work to make tapes myself and release them myself if I want the world
to hear them. I can’t stand people having power over me, I can’t stand asking
permission to do things. I decided if I make a record, I’m going to make it
myself and release it myself, but that takes money. That’s what I’m trying to do
now, find ways to make money so that if I want to release albums I don’t have to
ask the permission of idiots who don’t understand me or are totally indifferent
to me.
MJ: Who is in The Ugly Janitors Of America?
JT: The musicians in the UJOA always varies. The purpose of the UJOA is to
create a vehicle to hear my songs and musical pieces performed and recorded. So
whenever I have a batch of material I want performed or recorded, and I have
money to do so, I start calling up people and see who’s available and start
getting them for rehearsals. So the only stable member in The Ugly Janitors Of
America is me. I am the leader. And since its inception in 1983 there have been
about 60-70 musicians, I haven’t bothered to count them all. What’s interesting
is right now in the band we have Jon Sharkey on keyboards and Danny Buchanon on
bass, both of whom have played in Zoogz Rift’s band. Sharkey is currently in
Zoogz’ band also and will be touring with him next year to Europe and throughout
America. They were both in the band in 1983 when it first started, since then
it’s been a fluid membership.
MJ: Are you planning at all to do more stuff with Zoogz in the future?
JT: Probably not. Unless he does something fantastic. The only reason I did the
European tour with him is because I wanted to travel to Europe. I didn’t know of
any other time in my life when someone would actually pay to fly me to Europe to
play music. But I’m not crazy about being in Zoogz’ band because he requires a
lot of rehearsing for weeks and weeks and weeks and months just to do one
performance or a couple performances. And I don’t want to devote that much of my
limited time to someone else’s music even though he’s one of my best
friends. But so much of my time is wasted in my day job, and with such limited time and
energy I really shouldn’t be piddling it away in someone else’s band even if that
other person happens to be one of my best pals. Time and energy in our lifetimes
are incredibly limited. And if you have specific goals you want to create, you
(I) should not piddle them away on anything other than what I want to do.
MJ: Do you hope to do another album?
JT: I don’t like to use the word ‘hope’ because hope implies powerlessness. I
encourage you to read stuff by Friedrich Nietzsche. I think he was talking about
words like hope, dream, those are very nice words and they’re very attractive
but they imply powerlessness. They imply that you’re thinking about doing
something instead of doing something. What matters in the world is getting
things done and action and activity. And if you want something and if you have a
goal you act and behave in a way that will help you get to that goal.
MJ: Battling the demons.
HT: Battling the demons, overcoming obstacles, overcoming barriers, overcoming
indifference from other people, when the best thing to do in order to help you
realize your goals is become so ferociously independent, so strong and so
resilient that you don’t need anybody for anything. You can simply grab whatever
you need in the world. And that doesn’t mean killing other people, that doesn’t
mean stomping on other people, you can still observe the golden rule and basic
Christian morality which I highly support but I also support independence and
freedom and also taking responsibility for one’s self. I don’t believe in
something called ‘society’. I don’t think that society exists. I think that
people should be responsible for themselves and be very confident and
forthright, realizing their personal goals, at the same time observing the
golden rule, not infringing upon the rights of others. You call your label
Dormant Utopia Records (eventually just
D.U. Records - MJ) Well, if everybody acted on that premise I think we’d be
living in a utopia. Self-reliant, self-independent, self-actualizing without
infringing on the rights of others. And actually there’s nothing wrong with
helping other people but to the extent that you help other people before you
actually live in a healthy manner yourself, you’ll make yourself miserable and
that creates a lot of problems. But I don’t believe society exists, and I
believe that people are really strong and independent and healthy and free. They
don’t need any authoritarian figures whatsoever telling them what to do. The
words ‘hope’ and ‘dream’ imply that we’re inactive and passive…because life is
actually a playground in which you actualize your dreams and ideas and you
actually act out any ideas that you have in your brain. It’s very important to
get those dreams and ideas realized in this lifetime because when you’re dead,
you know what? You can’t. You can’t actualize those things. When you’re alive
and realize that social interaction and things such as day jobs suck up your
time and energy in this world, then if you do have any goals you have to be very
resilient and very judicious in how you spend your time and energy. There’s no
such thing as society. The idea of society is something that is used by parents,
teachers, clergymen, and other authority figures in order to control children,
as children are growing up, to believe that there’s something called ‘society’
so that when they do grow up, they are complacent sheep and behave in these
prescribed manners and build some sort of imaginary power structure that only
benefit people in the top and positions of power. But power itself is an
illusion. The only thing that power means is that people agree that somebody
should be in power. And there’s a general agreement on a certain world view or a
certain way that things are getting done. That’s how, like Jim Jones’ rise to
power. He gets a lot of people to agree that he should be in charge and that
they should listen to him. And if you don’t like people like Jim Jones, or
Hitler or Reagan or anybody in power, you don’t even fight with them. You just
walk away from them and say, “I don’t need you.” I don’t need your leadership. I
don’t need you to tell me what to do. Because when you fight with a ‘power’
figure, what you’re doing is creating sort of a polarized situation. And they
feed off of that controversy and conflict in fight. You don’t need them. And if
everybody walked away from all power structures, it’s like all those people in
block format sig heiling Adolph Hitler, some madman raving bullshit. To me it’s
bullshit, and to any free-thinking individual it’s a sick, fucked up image. The
same image you see in any corporate structure. My favorite image is when Adolph
Hitler is at the podium at the Nuremberg rally, and people one by one cease sig
heiling him and walk away in different directions, all in search of their own
goals. At the end, he is left before an empty stadium, still raving, and he’s
basically reduced to the level of an infant. Which is what anyone who wants to
be in power is. A drooling fucking infant asshole. We should always be drilled
into being free and autonomous.
MJ: So you still think the non-conformist punk rock thing is still feasible?
JT: Yeah, but even non-conformity in a way engenders its own type of
conformity because the punkers then all start to dress the same, they look the
same, they have their hair the same way and wear the same leather clothing and
they affect the same sort of attitudes. They still have a sort of herd instinct
to them, it’s almost like an inane human thing to want to belong to a group. And
if you can’t identify with your parents, and going to church and conventional
values you become part of a peer group. But to me the ultimate strong person is
a hermit who lives in a cave and heeds no one. Listens to no one and decides for
himself what is right and what is wrong. And is totally free and doesn’t belong
to any social movement or any ‘scene’. Ultimately, come to terms that he must
get a job, face the real world and get some sort of income. And in this country,
it seems very difficult to work for yourself, the most available work is working
for someone else. And I’m trying to find a way where I can freelance and work
for myself and not for any boss.
MJ: Then it seems when people are opposed to that, and don’t work, they just
sort of end up…
JT: Being dependent on other people. Letting other people have control over you.
So you’re either at the mercy of your boss or you’re at the mercy of a social
system, where you have to comply with certain rules to get your unemployment
check. Either way, you’re still at the mercy of an asshole over you. If you can
make peace with your boss and have some sort of civilized business where you’re
selling your time to him, that’s much more preferable that leeching off the
supposed social system.